Meet the Jamesons

This post was originally meant to be about our family's choice for deferring R's place in Reception, but reading it back it's also about how we discovered our voice as parents. At the beginning I felt like a fraudulent parent for quite sometime and found that I constantly second-guessed what we were doing because of the way others acted towards...

Tom and I have been very fortunate to grow up in households where travel was deemed important and was attainable. I have wonderful memories of idyllic holidays away with my family. Growing up in Vancouver, British Columbia, our chosen holidays usually involved some sunshine! Holidays meant sea, sun and lots of time with our parents who were in...

Preparing for our children's arrival would best be described as surreal. We knew that children were coming, but couldn't know that it would be R and E for certain until after our Matching Panel. After Matching Panel, Introductions start almost immediately and in our case, we had just shy of a week! During our Stage 1 and 2 Prep, we...


Tom and Kate Jameson 

Two new parents who have come to the title by way of adoption.  Follow along as we fumble our way through what is new and unchartered territory to us.  Apart from raising (and styling!) two humans, we love to travel, cook, eat and attempt to do up our home in London.


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